The purpose of the project is to provide and maintain an updated web-based platform to assist stakeholders such as local educational agencies (LEAs), advocates, and parents in learning about state and federal laws and regulations by providing rich resources regarding obligations and rights for the provision of a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to students with disabilities.
Frameworks are divided by topic and offer legal information in all areas of special education from Child Find to the provision of services to funding
Publications include the Notice of Procedural Safeguards, the Parent's Guide to the ARD Process, and the Special Education Rules and Regulations.
Updates indicate revisions made to frameworks or publications along with the change document.
Resources are websites with valuable information in the diverse areas of special education along with a list of statewide networks.
Documents help parents understand what is required in the individualized education program (IEP), the necessary timelines, and a form for transfer of rights.
Special Education or IEP-Related Questions?
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) works collaboratively with stakeholders to provide resources and facilitate collaboration that supports the development and delivery of services to children with disabilities in our state.
Phone: 1-855-SPEDTEX (1-855-773-3839)
Office of Special Populations and Student Supports
Monday-Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
Phone: (512) 463-9414
Fax: (512) 463-9560
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